Are you feeling stuck?

You want to move, you should, you have to, but you can't?

A powerful Masterclass designed to guide you from feeling stuck to taking radical aligned action and manifesting those dreams and desires.

You may be feeling stuck in a rut or perhaps not moving forward and unable to break free from the self made chamber you're in?

You are sure there is more to life but can't quite access it?

But what if I told you that small things open big doors?

That small steps and actions lead to radical transformation?

And what if I told you that making empowered change is possible?
Yes, I'm IN

After hitting rock bottom in 2016 I was able to open the door to a beautiful and abundant life by taking small steps

What I have been able to achieve:

  • No longer rely on wine at the end of each day

  • Lost 12kg and kept it off for over 3 years

  • I feel excited for each day and feel ignited

  • I am now focused and have clarity (no more brain fog)

  • I exercise daily and have empowering daily habits

  • I started my own business helping other women achieve their dreams and goals

  • Feel energized and fully alive!

  • Feel connected and fully present with my husband and children

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Small things open BIG doors Masterclass video

    • Small things open BIG doors Masterclass

  • 2

    Small things open BIG doors Workbook

    • Workbook

    • What's next?

Meet Your Coach


Michelle Gordon

Hi, I'm Michelle, I'm a Registered Nurse with over 24 years’ experience, I hold a graduate certificate in Intensive Cardiac Nursing and have worked in various other specialties in nursing. Over the last 8 years I have worked in an Emergency Department in a regional QLD hospital but have now found my passion guiding and supporting men and women through the process of aligning with the life they desire.

After suffering from debilitating stress and overwhelm in my nursing career I found myself completely burnt out, and only a few years ago I hit rock bottom. After several months in this space I found a way to pull myself out of the overwhelm and stress and embarked on creating these very steps as a program and coaching services to others break free.

I am passionate now in helping both men and women to take back control of their lives, to feel energized, focused, find balance and lose the overwhelm for good. Through neuro-linguistic programming and Emotional Change Technique I help people to tap into their inner power of their minds, their inner strength, build resilience, and learn how to apply healthy boundaries in both their personal and professional life. Through this process they are then able to unlock their confidence, feel incredible within themselves, feel energized, become fully present and feel joy in their day to day life.

My programs embody an holistic approach, reconnecting the mind, body and soul while also teaching how to apply manifestation to co create the life one could only dream of.

Michelle is a certified NLP practitioner (neurolinguistic programming practitioner), certified Reiki practitioner and Mindset and Manifestation coach, if you're ready for all of this and more then don't hesitate to reach out

Michelle xx